
My Journey

I'm a former corporate geek, trying to fulfill my dream of becoming an artist and writer. I've been around artists all my life; my mother, aunts and grandmother all painted and were very talented artists. Growing up, I never really pursued art other than what was offered in public school. It was fun creating but there was never enough money in my family to take classes or to spend on art supplies.

As an adult, life was pretty full with all the normal experiences like marriage, a child, college, and full-time work (in that order). Money was tight and I mostly dabbled in creating things that I could use around the house. Anything that looked like it wouldn't be too costly, wouldn't be too time-consuming, and would fill a need somehow.

Now, I'm at a stage in my life when things are a little easier, time is more abundant, and what do I do? A whole lot of soul-searching, a whole lot of planning, and even more treading water so to speak. Inertia is my middle name.

This blog is the diary of my journey. I hope you like what you read and feel free to send me feedback at junkyvagabond at gmail. I'd love to hear if others are going through the same thing and how you're dealing with it.
