
Friday, April 22, 2011

First Blog Award!


Junky Vagabond has earned a Kreative Blogger Award!

Carol, the author of the wonderfully inspirational blog, ArtMuseDog has awarded me a blog award. This is my first and I'm beyond excited. I follow Carol for her inspirational posts, her supportive comments, and her beautiful art. To receive an award from Carol is very special - thank you!

There are rules to this award and they are as follows:

1. I must pass this award on to 10 bloggers

2. I must tell you 10 things about me that you don't know

There are so many bloggers out there and there is a blog for everyone; here are 10 you should get to know because they are funny, informative, cute, crafty, incredible, and well...because I said so ;)

I'm honored to pass this award along to these 10 bloggers. The blogging community has been so supportive and it feels good to be recognized.

Now, what you've all been waiting for...10 Things You Might Not Know About Me:

1. In my former life, I was a Networking Goddess and Most-Loved Corporate Trainer
2. Total sugar addict
3. Am still figuring out how to manage my may never happen, but it's getting better!
4. Finished the Chicago Sprint Triathlon four years in a row...starting at age 39
5. Am too cheap to get regular manicures and can't do my own; my nails are always in horrible shape
6. Was called 'gorilla arms' when in fifth grade and obviously never forgot it...but I'm over it,  ;)
7. Had braces my entire high school career
8. Would rather escape into a book than do just about anything else
9. Don't really cook; and don't enjoy it when I'm forced to
10. This is probably obvious, but feel like I've found my new purpose in life with junking, creating art, and blogging

That's it! You now know a little more about me :)

Oh, and this award pushed me to create my button, which is now on the sidebar. It's looking a little cluttered over there, but the redesign is a project for another day!!!

***Update***Since this was my first award, please forgive me that I didn't put the Kreative Blogger Award jpg up top. I'm such a newbie! Thanks to Mel at Crafty Scientist for inquiring!! That's why I love all you ladies :)


  1. Congratulations! It's so nice to know a little bit more about you (I can't remember the last time I did anything with my nails either)! Going to check out some of the other blogs... thanks for sharing!

  2. Congratulations! Thanks for sharing the bloggy love with me! Four triathlons in a row?! Impressive!!

  3. Thanks for the award - you are so sweet! :)

    I can't believe you've run four marathons starting at the age of 39! Hero!! I don't even like to run around the block... ;)

  4. Make sure to check out the other blogs - they're diverse enough for everyone to find something they like!


Thanks for taking the time to leave your thoughts! I appreciate each and every one of you!