
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Stuff In The Works, and a Thank You!

Creativity Overload! 

I'm a little bit overwhelmed with all the projects going on, and all the ones that are calling me to be instead of getting crazed about finishing something to post about, I'm going to give you a peek at some of them (oh there's more than this, but these are actually started...)

There's one that's been languishing on my shelf for a while and I'm just now getting back to it...

How about this one? There might have been a sneak peek a few days ago...

Trying something new cuz I got nuthin better to do (not!)

Ugh, I know I'm going to regret bringing these inside instead of leaving them in the garage to work on them...

Another project hanging out, waiting for some luv...

and another...

one more...

ha! I lied - another black painted project...

ok, ok, this is the last one...

That's a little peek into my crazy project-driven life...and there's tons more in that office and the garage. ACK!

Now for the Thank You!

Lanell of Hoot-N-Nanny fame has passed on the Liebster Blog Award to me. With a little research, I found that this award is for smaller blogs with less than 300 followers, but have good content to share. Thank you so much Lanell for thinking of my little blog!

Lanell's blog has some amazing before and afters - check out her awesome kitchen makeover!

She also has some yummy-looking recipes...I'm not much of a cook, but this looks like something easy enough to make. If it involves the microwave, it can't be that hard, right?

Now, after thanking Lanell for passing this on to me, I'm supposed to pass this award on to a few bloggers. However, I'm not playing by the rules on these tagging awards and am only going to pass it along to one deserving blog. You know why? Cuz that's how I roll ;) And there's no obligation to participate in this if chain-blogging isn't your thang.

Drumroll please....Passing the Liebster Blog award to: Kristen of Decorating DIY - Turning a House Into a Home...creating Beauty on a Budget

Kristen's blog is about a young couple doing creative DIY projects and she's honest about her projects and I LUV that! There are times that my projects don't work out, and it's nice to see that not everyone gets it right the first time (in that, she's just like me).

Kristen's adorable wine cork heart!

Enamel glass project...Kristen says if at first you don't succeed...

And there you have it! Thanks to Lanell for the award, and make sure you check out her and Kristen's blogs for all their bloggy deliciousness.


  1. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with a bunch of unfinished projects calling my name ;)

  2. Can't wait to see how the projects turn out! Please don't forget to let us know...


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