
Monday, February 13, 2012

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting...

There was so much activity last week, and now we wait; we wait for home inspections, loan approvals, negotiations to play out. This is the non-fun part of buying/selling a house.

The home we're selling passed the home inspection with flying colors and I wish the same could be said of the home we're buying. There's a possibility there is asbestos and we have to wait for that to be tested before we can approve the home inspection.

Here's to hoping the buyers of our house have a solid loan in place; here's to hoping that stuff wrapping the heating ducts in the basement of our new house isn't asbestos and if it is, it's not too expensive to remove.

All my things are in storage and I'm waiting to get my hands on something, anything, to get creative with...waiting is always the hardest part of anything, isn't it?


  1. I hope it all works out for you. I am not good at waiting.

    1. Me either! I much prefer the running around like a chicken with my head cut off :)

  2. Yes! Waiting is such a pain! Maybe you can get them to drop the price if it's asbestos! Are you in for removal?

    Our friends had to remove Asbestos from an attic when they reno'd and though it was a pain, it was worth the effort...

    Thinkin' 'boutcha this week and hopin' it all comes together!

    1. How much of an expense was the removal/how long did it take - any ideas? We were hoping to be in the new house early March! Hoping it's negative!

  3. girl i hope it goes by fast and the house doesn't cost a lot to repair. i can't wait for you start sharing pics of the new place! we are still in limbo. no house for now.


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