
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

No Excuses Here

Sigh. I know posts have been few and far between lately. I'm not going to offer any excuses or go into a long post about how there needs to be more balance in my life or that this blog has been so successful that it's gotten away from me...mostly because neither of those statements are true.

I will tell you that this blog was started to let me combine my love of writing and my need to create something (anything), and maybe show it off to friends. The combination has worked out nicely for the most part, but this business of blogging is strange when the thrill of comments, followers, features, etc are thrown into the mix...see that word 'business'?

Keeping up with the Jones' has never been important to me, but blogging seems to encourage a morphed sort of KUWTJ that is constantly trying to suck me in. The pull of the need to see what's going on, who's doing what, who's having a giveaway, who's making it into the big leagues is strong, strong, strong, I tell ya. Some bloggers have made this into a business; my purpose was never to make it one and I lost my way a bit.

My solution? Get back to my original purpose and just write about what I want, and create when and whatever moves me at the moment. Write stuff that my family might think is funny, and let my friends ooh and ahhh over my little projects; just have fun with the blog.

All the ads are gone from the blog, and my followers gadget too. I'll probably redesign the whole thing...when the spirit moves me. If you want to keep up with me, you can always bookmark my blog, subscribe via email (you won't get a bunch of emails from me, that's a promise!), or check out my page on facebook.

I sincerely appreciate everyone who makes time to stop by and read my words, checks out my pictures, and takes the time to comment. The comments always make me feel like a million bucks!

That's all, just in case you were wondering what in the world was happening with my blog. As for me personally, I'm still hanging out on vacation at the lake. My sister's kitchen makeover Part Two is happening this weekend. I found some new thrift stores, but haven't started any projects lately. Summer is hot and I'm doing my best to enjoy the moment; hope you all are too!


  1. Congrats congrats!! I am so glad to see this! Not because I want you to get rid of your followers gadget or any of that. are being you. That is the best ever!

  2. I'm just happy to hear from you. It's always a joy to read what you write and see what you've been matter what it is.

    Have a great vacation at the lake!


  3. If a blog isn't fun, it's work. Unless it's work you love, it's drudgery. Have fun, enjoy that lake. Will look for you on FB, which I am just recently realizing can be like blogging lite.

  4. Just glad to hear you haven't fallen off the face of the earth and are fine! We'll look forward to hearing from you whenever you post!

    Angie @ Knick of Time

  5. Kudos. My thoughts exactly when I realized that making money from my blog was not for me. Now I don't "have" to create or blog if my mojo is not working

  6. good for you! i don't have any ads on my blog except the sponsors that are etsy shops and the like that i really support and i charge next to nothing because i don't want it to be a business for me... i am never going to be a professional blogger nor do i want to be. i am with you- i do it out of love of writing and diy and when it stops being fun i don't want to do it.

  7. I know exactly how you feel. I have almost given it up a few times because I could not keep up with all the changes in technology, twitter, pinterest, etc... it's too much. Good Luck to you, I will still be checking back to see what you are up to!

  8. I think I could blog quite nicely sitting by the lake with you. Of course I'd have to blog about your sisters kitchen too because I surly wouldn't be getting anything done.


  9. I've been thinking the very same thing myself. I'm following more blogs, which translates to more time spent on the computer and less time doing what I really love. I only post once a week, which I guess I've done all along, but if I miss a few weeks here and there, I'm going to be fine with it. Blogging really can be a bad addiction, when trying to balance a work schedule and LIFE too! Enjoy the rest of your summer!!!

  10. I do not have a blog and have no desire but love reading them. I LOVE the idea you've gotten rid of ads. I've been "unfollowing" (is that a word?) those blogs whose ads take over the whole thing and there is nothing to read about but product placement. I love reading "how to" - that's why I subscribe. Enjoy your summer and your time at the lake!! I'll still follow. :)

  11. Personally I think vacationing at the lake trumps blog posts 24/7! This is why I {heart} you :) Don't get me wrong I miss your posts but you're enjoying life and that's what is important! That and picking the perfect shade of Gray LOL

  12. Ah Jill, you wise wise woman. I love this post. I feel the same way. Love you being you. xo!

  13. I agree with Cassie! I am the same way. I'll probably never become the professional bloggers that I envy because I'm way too lazy for that and my sister is even lazier! Haha. Glad your getting back to what you love!

  14. Oh, how did I miss this post! Me, too, girl! I don't have the stamina to churn out project after project... There was a time when I thought I might could, but it's just not me! And I don't ever want to feel fake or disingenuous or pressured to keep up with anyone else! I'll look forward to your return...


Thanks for taking the time to leave your thoughts! I appreciate each and every one of you!