
Monday, May 14, 2012

Good Times with Groovy Gals

How much fun is it to meet people in real life that you've admired online? And no, I haven't started dating online...ewwww! Married 13 years, peopleBut I digress...

Will they be like they are in their posts? Does their blog 'voice' carry over? Will you like them as much as you did before you met them?

I met up with Gwen, Cassie, and Andi and yes to all three questions! They were even nicer and more fun than I had imagined!

Andi, Crazy Gwen, me, and Cassie

We went thrifting, and then on to lunch, and then there were gifts!!

Here's Gwen's adorable little change purse. 

That girl has some mad sewing skillz. Check out her apron - awesome!! And if you like her blog design, she's now in the business of doing blog design for the rest of us! If you're contemplating a new design, or a move from Blogger to Wordpress - she's your girl. 

Andi makes beautifully designed jewelry, brought some, and let us all pick our favorite; I chose this bird's nest ring. 

Isn't it purdy? Check out the offerings in her shop, Natalily won't be disappointed.

Cassie was the hostess with the mostess and shared her hoard garage full of projects with us. She found  the most amazing pieces in the thrift shops while we were exercising our jaws :)

Cassie with her haul - groovy orange lamps (a pair!), a killer drum table, and a bamboo vanity chair. Sigh, she got the good stuff :)

Although, I did manage to finagle the manager into selling me this:

It was a little table that they put a tv on for the kids in the shop. I inquired if it was for sale and was told  it was for the which I asked if they could use another table? The manager switched it out and priced it right then and there. Never hurts to ask. And now I have a fabulous little table with tapered, brass tipped legs to make over! (if anyone recognized this brand, let me know please - no  markings other than a number - thx!) 

Now for my gift to them - my fav little woodworking project - totes. Using some of the scrap wood that 
I bought too much of for another project was laying around, three little totes were made.

5 pieces per tote (plus the bottom) - easy! The hole was easy with a forstner bit - I highly recommend this drill bit if you work with wood.

They were painted in my breakfast room color

They needed to be glazed and waxed, but were still missing a chalkboard label. So being cheap always wanting to repurpose, a 5-gal paint stick got two quick chops

A little chalkboard paint, and some felt on the bottom and voila!

Uber-cute divided totes! Humble, no? ;) 

If there's ever a chance to meet your fellow bloggers in person, make it happen. Not everyone understands this crazy obsession hobby, and when you find another person who does, it's like  magic.


  1. Well, how fun!!! I see you've settled right into your new town and already connected with your nearby bloggy friends. It looks like the 4 of you had a great time!

  2. SO fun! i can't wait to do it again! and now you know when you thrift with me you cannot lose focus or you miss out. ;)

  3. I remember meeting you in person for the first time Jill, what a great experience! Miss you! ;-)

  4. It WAS SO FUN! It all seems as if it were a dream...

    I love my tote! The color is fabulous and I can't wait to put it to good use!

    I'm so, so glad we were able to get together!!!

  5. fun fun!! There were even presents??? Next time!

  6. I wish I lived in the States...sigh...There aren't many of us in the Maritimes (Canada), bloggers, that is, around here. It sounds like you "guys" all had a blast!

  7. That sounds like so much fun. Congratulations on all the great finds. Your mini totes are too cute.

  8. Lucky ducks!! So happy you had a great time. That table you snagged is killer! And your totes are too cute!

  9. Read about your adventure on Gwen's blog - what a fun time! A lot of great finds but seems the best one was each other.

  10. So sweet! I'm trying to arrange a meet up with some local bay area bloggers so we can talk blogging in person! My in laws are all in Rockville/Potomac so I'm familiar with your neck of the woods:)


  11. I agree! I have met bloggers in person and you just have an instant connection because you have so much in common :) It looks like you had an amazing time! I would love to have been a fly on the wall!


  12. Looks like you all had a great time! Love the totes!


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