
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Summertime...and the Living is Easy


This means I'll be spending some time on a lake, maybe doing a little of this:

 and a little of this: 

Maybe spending time doing nothing but looking at these:

and these:

Definitely spending time wearing this:

Absolutely enjoying this with friends and family:

and soaking up lots and lots of this:

I have a few projects to work on too...if I have any spare time with my very full'll be the first to see if any get done. Don't expect much from me for the next six weeks...

May your summer be just as relaxing and fun too; and don't hate me for being a very, very lucky and grateful woman!


  1. Sounds good to me! I'm just finishing a week of doing those exact things and can hardly wait for my next week of vacation in July! Enjoy, summer's way to short!!!

  2. Have a wonderful, rejuvenating time, my friend! I will miss you while you are away!!!

  3. Just so you know in case it is ever important information...... I'm not sure if that was just a random bottle of wine for your post, but Barefoot Moscato happens to be my favorite wine. I like 'em smooth and sweet.


  4. I love Moscato! I have a bottle of pink Moscato chilling in the fridge :). Enjoy that summer! The weather in Maryland is hot and humid isn't it?!


Thanks for taking the time to leave your thoughts! I appreciate each and every one of you!