
Friday, June 15, 2012

The Mudroom Reveal

Hey guess what? This project that was so exciting to work the beginning...and had become my personal stumbling finished (well, finished except for some decorating tweaks).

Hallelujah and thank the powers that be. And good riddance. Let me tell you why I feel that way now.

I started with this corner, where we come in from the garage.

Nice and bright!
We needed a 'landing pad' for shoes, coats, purses, etc when we come in. Something other than the kitchen table and chairs. We needed a mudroom, but a corner will do.

The inspiration came from where else? Pinterest! This particular industrial looking shelving done with pipes caught my eye and sparked my imagination.

This pipe and flange look was inspired by the Ace Hotel in Palm Springs.

Since the need for some kind of bench/hangar situation was needed, Ana White's site was the first place I looked for plans. Working with wood doesn't intimidate me. I found a couple of nice plans for benches/cubbies and came up with something that would work...or so I thought.

Here's where things get a little messy...

     1) Never go off plan. Especially for your first big build.
     2) Measure at least ten times, cut once. 
     3) Remember which side is up, which side is the back...before screwing it in place.
     4) Think about the finished look...before you start painting.
     5) Never go off plan.
     6) Try to screw in the piping to the same depth for a more level look. (Not easy, trust me.)
     7) And finally; never, ever go off plan. Carpenter Jill, I am not.

Without further ado, my Ace Hotel inspired mudroom bench/shelf corner:

the 2 extra pipes on the right side may be used once I get to decorating; or they may get nixed
**Update** Well, for 'decorating tweaks', I've come up with stencils on the galvanized buckets. I had some chalk paint mixed up (1-2 T baking soda dissolved in a bit of water to 1-ish cups any paint) and had the stencil...nothing more exciting than that, but the new look works for me!

The garage entry door got the chalkboard treatment and is now very functional as a shopping list and calendar and place for notes.

The bench was featured on Apartment Therapy, and on Hometalk!

The little boxes were from the closing of The Great Indoors around the corner from me - $2! I should've gotten a few more.

I painted the inside a gray to tie into the living room color, and did a little reverse stencil on them. They'll hold the sunglasses, keys, lip balm, hair elastics, etc that we need as we're heading out the door.

Looking back, this would have been easier if I'd spent just a skootch more time planning it instead of diving in. With adding a second shelf, making the whole thing longer, not using mdf (as per the PLAN), and other assorted roadblocks, this project has kept me from moving forward on anything else because my other plan is to do One Thing At A Time.  It's not perfect, but I do like the look of it and it'll serve it's purpose. Good enough for me. Calling this one done.

This should've taken me 2-3 days tops, but 6 weeks later, it's mostly done. There are some decorating tweaks to do on it, but honestly I just want to move on and do something else for a bit. I'll come back to this as inspiration strikes, but for now no more forcing it. Next up is getting something on those beautiful Jamaican Aqua walls!

This is part of the Bloggy Olympics that Hating Martha and a bunch of other cool bloggers have thought up. This week is decorating; be sure to check out all the tutorials and linky parties, maybe participate in a few :)


  1. Love! I haven't been reading blogs on vacay. But...I had to see this. It's awesome! Like...really!

  2. love love love the pipe shelves!!!!!!! AWESOME!

  3. Dude this is so kick ass! LOVE it & those boxes are a perfect fit!!

  4. Love it, looks SO good!

  5. Wowza! This is a whole lotta FANTASTIC! Love, love love, these shelves. I'm going to have to find a place in my house to add shelves 'cause I so want to try this!

    1. Hey Taunnie - thanks! I really love the way these shelves look and the variations are only limited by your imagination. Make sure you carefully plan it all out because the piping can get a little pricey. Would love to see pics if you make something!

  6. Totally turned out FANTASMALITIC! So, at this rate, you'll be done with the rest, oh, in about 2023, right? ha. J/K. You'll get it done! My mudroom, that I started months ago is still unfinished... ugh!

  7. I had to erase my first comment. This time I will just say you ruled the wood and pipe!


  8. I love the industrial look. It turned out great!


  9. Super Job! Love it!! May I suggest hanging a small mirror from those side pipes to 'check your look' as you go out the door? Hate to see that space wasted!! :)
    Wish I had a place to make something like this in my house.

  10. Holy cannoli! Love this! You transformed that space. Huge pat on the back to you. Do you mind sharing the cost for the materials (if you remember)?

    1. I replied in an email to Smallgood, but in case you're browsing the comments here is an approximation of the cost:

      roughly $300 because the piping is a bit on the pricey side, and I used the premium pine wood for the shelving. Plus I have extra pipe and wood, so it could probably be made for less. If one plans properly. Unlike me :)

  11. AMAZING! Six weeks isn't bad at all...something like this would have taken me closer to six months ;)

    Elisabeth@Simply Parkers

  12. I'm really impressed! The pipe is great. And thanks for turning me on to Ana White's site--I've been thinking about trying to do some bookshelves.

  13. well done my have done great job :)

  14. AWESOME mud room! Love the color and very cool pipe/rack/orgainizer!

  15. I'm impressed! Your industrial shelving looks great! As for your timeline, I don't think 6 weeks longer than planned is bad at all. I could top that. :@

    I'm glad you kept the black & white floor. It looks great with your aqua walls!

  16. What a transformation!! Love that color...yummy! And I can't get over the cool & creative! Would be super delighted if you could join us & link up at Mop It Up Mondays:


  18. I LOVE the pipe shelving! I have pinned something like that and have plans to use it in my new house! Great job on yours!

  19. fantastic shelves!!! and fantastic must just love it!!

  20. Ha ha! Never go off plan! LOL - I had this weird vision of my crafting projects, but then I remembered that I hardly ever go OFF plan, mostly because I hardly ever have one.

    BUT I just emailed your mudcorner to Sparky to prepare him for what I am doing next. He has not answered me yet :). Probably wondering who will have to do all the woodwork (we don't have the proper tools or space for this). In any case, I am thinking that I will have separate holders not for keys and such, but one for him, one for me, and we'll see how many more we can get in.


  21. Your "Before" looks like our mudroom!!! It's so ugly I'm overwhelmed. How did you prep the paneling? Did you prime it or sand it? Thanks!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. oops, my reply looked weird and like I was emphasizing a bit too much. Let's try again: yes, I did have to go through the hassle of sanding (lightly) and priming with a stinky Kilz coat. My first attempt at priming with a non-stain blocking Kilz had either tanning or nicotine stains showing through. One coat of stinky primer, 2 coats of Benjamin Moore Jamaican Aqua (color matched at Home Depot for less $).

      Good luck if you end up painting paneling - it's worth the effort because it has a bit of character :)

  22. What is the name of your blue paint color?

    1. One coat of stinky primer, 2 coats of Benjamin Moore Jamaican Aqua (color matched at Home Depot for less $)

      It's not showing true in my pictures; it has a bit of green to it. Make sure you sample it first - it's a very bright color.

  23. Hey, we all have to learn stuff the hard way sometimes. Dun be too hard on yourself. I think this looks really good, so what if it took 6 weeks to do it. Pat yourself on the back :) The two extra pipes look like hooks for long necklaces, shark-clips, hats, neckties or wristlets ;)

  24. What is the company that makes that polka dot bag? I've seen people wear them but have never been able to find them myself!!

    1. The bag is from Thirty-One - I really love it :)

  25. Jill, this is amazing! You have some skills my design and execute this whole thing. Great job.

  26. Hi, I am visiting from Prim and the pipe shelving, you did an amazing job!

    xx Karen

  27. Um, okay, painting that paneling aqua... genius.

  28. Wish to have a shelf corner like this in my condo. Where did you buy that thing? :)
    condo philippines


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