
Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday's Letters - The Unfinished Projects Edition

Welcome back for another edition of Friday's Letters! 

This is where I usually rant about things like how much running hurts my knees (so I quit running), or how many Shades of Gray was needed before a decision could be made (get ready! a decision has been made!), but today I figured you deserved a little insight into the goings on around here. Or in other words, here are some photos of my unfinished projects.

Ready? Here we go...

Dear July Windstorm,

Thank you for putting a branch through the roof and then through the living room wall. This necessitated an insurance claim which provided us with a crew of contractors to fix the hole, and paint the living room, hallway and entry way! Woo Hoo!! Within two weeks, we received our new sofa and ottoman and new paint. 

Hole in wall, water damage on ceiling, 50 bazillion shades of gray on the wall

Dear Gray Paint,

I have endeavored to take a picture that shows your true shade. You have been uncooperative. I do love your color, but if my readers want to see what it really looks like, they will have to stop by. They can come by anytime, I'm usually home, overwhelmed with projects staring at the boob tube. Your True Name is Stonington Gray by Benjamin Moore. Your different looks are documented in the photos below. At least I can count you as finished.

Dear Shelves,

Moving you to this house was exciting! I would get to put all my well-thought out objects back on you and sit back and enjoy your delightful display! Unfortunately, this was not the case, as well you know. The old objects did not fit with the new color scheme. The new objects do not fit either. You're bumming me out. 

Bookshelf placement - Option 1/Gray shade #1

Bookshelf placement Option 2/Gray shade #2 
(Do not adjust your monitor; this is really how these darn things look and have looked for the last week or so. There have been many additions, subtractions, shuffling, etc. And no, I do not plan on incorporating the dumbbells into the shelf decor - that's where they ended up after my workout. I will conquer this shelving styling challenge...eventually.)

Dear Long Narrow Living Room,

You are a challenge for furniture placement, but this arrangement seems to be a winner with everyone my husband and I. And since we're the only ones here besides the cats, who don't really care, it's a winner. Now to figure out how to place art on your walls...and fill that odd triangle behind the see? Even though the couch, chairs and ottoman are in place, there is still a LOT to be done  to you.
New sofa and ottoman, sneak peek of another unfinished project behind chair/Gray shade #3
Looking into the living room from entry way, at the bow window with the inspiration fabric 

A close up of the new drapes (luv this fabric!) and yet another shade of gray (#4).
Dear Ornate Gold Mirror,

I did not care for your original shade of gold. Plus you're plastic...and looked a little cheap. And flowery. Spray paint to the rescue:

This is what you look like now. And yes, you've been hung. But you're a little lonely in the entry way (and yes, that is the same shade of gray in the living room!), so you're still classified as an unfinished project.
Gray shade #5 and a wine crate idea...and a cat gate. Awesome.

Dear Dining Room,

You're next.

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. You have more shades of grey then the book!! Love the's lovely!! And you fixed that mirror. It was a bit chintzy! Okay...alot bit chintzy. Much better now!

  2. This post made me chuckle. haha! Looks like you are hard at work over there!! Keep it up :)

  3. i think you are doing a great job! the living room looks so great- fresh and modern and light! love it! and i think bookshelves are the HARDEST. mine need to be restyled now that i have mouse and cheese bookends which i am keeping. :)

  4. That couch and ottoman are awesome! And how awesome you got to have actual painters... geez. What's that feel like???

  5. 50 shades has nothin' on you! LOL j/k

    It's so hard to catch the true color of your walls. Lighting will make or break you. Love the furniture and it's placement! And I love that you didn't put your furniture right up against the wall!

  6. So tell me, do your cat's not know they can jump?


  7. ha ha!
    Well, you are doing a lot more than I would've done. We are stagnating currently. Apparently, doing the study over, has taken it all out of us and the rest of the house may now stay as it is. Blegh!

    I am loving what you have done thus far, and I wish I could help. If I were close, I would've come over and we could've moved stuff until we were blue in the face. Or swopped furniture if that needed to be done. Sadly I am not there, so unless you want to send me pictures of everything that needs moving and organising, I am just going to say, good luck and that I am really looking forward to your finished product!

  8. Your living room is looking so bright and fresh with your new furniture and paint! Long narrow living rooms are so hard to arrange. Ours is that shape, and we have to also work around a fireplace and archway into the foyer. Very limiting.

    Now, how did you get that tree to fall into your living room?! :@


Thanks for taking the time to leave your thoughts! I appreciate each and every one of you!