
Saturday, January 5, 2013

New Year, New Blog

It's a new year, did you notice? Some days I don't know what day it is, much less what year.

With this new year come resolutions. Like lose weight, make a budget, GET. SOMETHING. RENOVATED. It would appear that getting my house updated and working on my blog are mutually exclusive. Which is a bit of a bummer.

Here are my thoughts about what's to become of my blog:

No more posts about what's going on (or not going on as is the case currently) in the renovation process. WHAT?? No more updates? Wasn't this blog turning into a blog about renovations on my 1966 house??

Let me explain. I started this blog almost 2 years ago as a way of redefining my new life outside of the corporate world, exploring my creative side. Lots of creativity has happened, many projects have been started...with some finished, and I've found a whole new world to explore via style blogs, Pinterest and Houzz.

For those of you that love pictures, here are some of my favorite projects from 2012 are:

With all the ideas out there comes Inspiration Overload. It's been a ton of fun refinishing furniture, building stuff, making jewelry, painting stuff...but not much of the home renovations are getting done.'s the rub: DIY isn't really my thing. I do little projects and will continue to switch out plugs, paint furniture, etc. but the big stuff like demo and moving walls, new plumbing, new windows, and all that jazz is best left to someone who will do it properly. When I was a single mom, I put in a new kitchen with the help of my dad...and wonder if it's still standing or if the couple who bought that house still curse me for it.

Very long story short, (yes, I'm a rambler and a lover of tangents but if you wait for it, a point will eventually get made...) this house needs some serious work and we are working this year on getting some real renovations. I had thought that my blog would be a journal of sort to show off the renovations, but now I'm not so sure. 

For me, blogging about projects is fun; blogging about my personal life is more like being on a reality show. Throwing my life out there for the world even a few people to read is too intrusive for me. Way to buck the trend, right? Keeping my personal life to my friends and family?? But it's right for me and for my blog. 

So, I may throw in a pic or two of the house as things get done but the blog will be more about things that interest me and hopefully you.

Ok. Hope I haven't lost you with this long-winded post. Happy New Year to all of you and may this year bring lots of good things to all!


  1. Hi Jill! I enjoyed seeing some of the projects you blogged about in 2012...they are amazing...and I missed seeing some of them so this is fun to catch up on what you accomplished. I'm not much of a "resolution-retrospective-y" type person in the new year but I have had to also re-think my blog recently. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on that too.

  2. Hey whatever you blog about I'm there :) And it's 'your' what makes 'you' happy! Happy New Year!

  3. Sounds like a great fresh start. Happy New year!!!

  4. It's totally your blog! That's the beauty of it, right?

    Have fun and post when and what you want... I'm taking a break... probably a bit of an extended one. Maybe. We'll see. I just need to take stock and get some perspective!

    Happy New Year, my friend!

  5. I know where you are coming from, Jill. Blogging can become more of a job than the fun thing it started out to be. In the 2+ years I've been blogging, I've gotten less done on our house than in previous years. Too much time has been spent on the computer! My goal this year is to leave the computer turned off at least several days a week and concentrate on getting our house in order. We have a guest bedroom that we haven't been able to use for 2 long years!!!

    I, personally don't mind if bloggers only post a few times a month or even less. I don't want to offend anybody, but between my job and life, I just don't have time to read every post. I follow a blog called "The Occasional Pat". I love the name of her blog and the fact that she may only publish a few posts a year if that's what works for her.

    Nice to hear from your neck of the woods. ENJOY your blog!!!

    xo, Vickie

  6. I don't mind rambling but I am easily confused. So I need to make sure I have this straight.... You're gonna blog about what is fun which is doing projects but if I want to see you dancing on tables you will only post those pictures occasionally?


  7. i agree- i'm here, too, whatever you blog about! :) i like you for you!!! btw, sarah and i are going to head to unique thrift thursday at 10... are you free?

  8. I think blogs, like people, evolve. And people may or may not end up liking what you evolve into. But you need to do what feels right for you otherwise it just becomes a chore. So good for you and I can't wait to see what you do.


Thanks for taking the time to leave your thoughts! I appreciate each and every one of you!